
0349: Turgenev's Fathers and Sons with Professor John Lutz

0349: Turgenev's Fathers and Sons with Professor John Lutz

Regular price $90.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $90.00 USD
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Turgenev’s masterpiece became a reference point by which many Russian nihilists and anarchists measured their political commitments. The novel’s central figure Bazarov represents Turgenev’s assessment of the ideals and objectives of the radical intelligentsia and testifies to the intergenerational conflicts of the day. We will read the New York Review of Books Classics edition.

ISBN# 978-1681376356

[Please Note: This is a new translation which titles the book Fathers and Children; that title happens to be more accurate than the traditional title Fathers and Sons, but it is still the same novel – don’t worry about buying the wrong copy when you see how it’s listed.]
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About the lecturer(s)

John Lutz

John Lutz is Professor of English and oversees a university Division of Humanities which houses English, Philosophy, and Foreign Language.  In addition, he has led numerous initiatives such as College 101, Learning Communities, Freshman Orientation, Strategic Planning, and Outcomes Assessment. Dr. Lutz has also published numerous scholarly articles on both philosophy and literature, including a recent publication entitled  “‘Objects Insignificant to Sight’: Racial Violence and Empathy in Faulkner’s ‘Pantaloon in Black’,” The Faulkner Journal, 2023; he has consistently been honored and has won significant awards for outstanding teaching throughout his stellar career.

Lecture Details



3 lecture(s)
Day & Time

Wednesday, 1:00 - 3:00pm

Feb 21, 2024
Feb 28, 2024
Mar 06, 2024